"I am one long run on sentence"
Things are looking up I see black mold on my ceiling help me get this condensation off out of me I forgot to open the window cuz I woke up in your bed once twice three four five six seven eight why do we integrate? no reason! no reason at all why black is my new favorite color in your cheeks gets me and lets me know how you are feeling all wrapped up nice and cozy and I unwrap you slowly you taste pretty sweet I'll never forget RIP in peace peace peace piece of mind, oh no don't mind me me me now you you you you you u v w x y why why why haven't I even pooped yet today things are looking up I see black mold on my ceiling cuz I forgot to open the window and the condensation is building up glass is all foggy thoughts in my mind don't mind me me you uvwxy why why can't I sing my lyrics so I change my favorite songs and sing them in the bathroom while I brush the nicotine off my teeth bite into you but not literally no sorry I mean just metaphorically unless you'd like that wow it's all up to you u vwxy why is black my new favorite color in your cheeks gets me and lets me know how you're feeling feelings inside me are condensating in my mind no don't mind me just help me open the window even though its cold outside you and I used to go yes you and i j k l m n oh wow p q r s yes s for sarah yes sarah with an h yes h i j k l m n no its fine really its fine lets just go outside today things are looking up I see black mold on my ceiling so lets just go outside so I can bite into you
this is really cool. I like the way things seem to keep disintegrating and coagulating again and again in this piece - esp. the circles that come back to "in your cheeks" and "black mold" - and the way letters of the alphabet unravel the train of coherency until a letter gets stuck and becomes a word, and word into thought - powerful stuff, Sarah!